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Persuasive Communication: Tools and Words that Drive Action and Engagement

  • Tuesday, April 12, 2016
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Baker University, 7301 College Boulevard Overland Park, KS 66210
  • 11


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April Chapter Meeting

Persuasion, not power, is the key to driving employee engagement and action. Great leaders know when to use information, motivation or persuasion to secure favorable outcomes. The ‘Persuasive Communication Presentation’ is designed to build and apply a basic framework of instruction and analysis at the individual level. You will learn…
  • Four elements of persuasion
  • Fourteen tools of persuasion
  • Four values that compel decisions
  • Words of influence

Speaker Bio

Dan Schoepf founded Prospects to Partners by leveraging years of sales and sales management experience. Throughout his career he participated in highly recognized training and educational programs. The ideas and material presented by his company have been proven to work in all industries. Active and past clients are involved in financial services, robotics, lumber, life insurance, recruiting, litigation support, healthcare, and others.


From I-435

Take the South Metcalf exit. On Metcalf, go approximately two blocks south.

From Metcalf, turn right onto College Blvd. Immediately take a left – or – go to Conser Ave., turn left and circle back through the parking lot.

The Baker U reception area is on the right as you enter the building.


Mailing Address:

705 B SE Melody Lane, #311
Lee's Summit, MO 64063

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