3rd Annual Top Trainer Throwdown
Background of the Throw-down
The name is based on those hokey staged wrestling events where they start with eight men in a ring and all but one will be “throwndown” or eliminated. In the ATD Kansas City Chapter 3rd Annual Trainer Throwdown, YOU, members of our chapter, will compete against each other to see who can “throw-down” their best training technique, tool, or method. Four competitors will have 12 – 15 minutes to prove their stuff and take away the title of 2017 Top Trainer.
The audience will decide who will be the winner by determining:
· Was I entertained?
· Did I learned something of value?
· Was I engaged?
· Did I find the presentation original or innovative?
This year's competitors include....
Nancy Hasak - Learning & Development leader at PeopleAdmin and game guru.
Dr. Patrick Handley - President of Insight Institute and creator of the Insight Inventory.
Michael Henry - eLearning Producer at Point-Productions and former PBS Television Producer.
Jane Hermstedt - Director of Leadership Development at AMC Theaters and history buff.
You don't want to miss this! The competitions will be fierce!
Lunch will be provided. Map for location/parking.
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